

Simple In-Furrow Liquid Monitoring
That works

OnSite FMS is a simple in-furrow liquid monitoring solution for agricultural planters

OnSite FMS is a simple solution for monitoring the application of in-furrow liquid row by row on your planter. The system is composed of four pieces.

  • FlowBoards divide pressurized liquid out for each row.
    FlowBoards are the backbone of OnSite FMS+. They hold the manifolds, flow meters, mounting brackets and modules for the entire system.
  • Flow Meters capture real time flow rates on each row.
    OnSite FMS+ uses electronic flow meters directly after the manifold to get extremely accurate flow rates on each row of your planter.
  • Flow meter data is processed by the  OnSite FMS Module. 
    The OnSite FMS+ Module takes in flow rate data from each row, processes it and sends and aggregated signal to the OnSite FMS+ Monitor.
  • Real time flow rate data is shown on your screen.
    The large 7″ touchscreen displays each row’s performance in an easy-to-read bar graph with target rates and overall performance data.

Customer Testimonial

Brandy Borchers from Borchers Supply in Hawarden Iowa loves OnSite FMS so much he became a dealer. Hear his story. 

Consistent Application.
Consistent emergence.
Consistent yields.

You know starter fertilizer gives your crops the springboard for fast emergence and strong growth.

OnSite FMS+ monitors exactly how much of this precious resource is being applied to every row, every second. You can see problems while you are still in the field where you can correct them, not after emergence when it is too late.

Know your flow on every row with OnSite FMS+. 

Consistent Application.
Consistent emergence.
Consistent yields.

You know starter fertilizer gives your crops the springboard for fast emergence and strong growth.

OnSite FMS+ monitors exactly how much of this precious resource is being applied to every row every second. You can see problems while you are still planting and can correct them, not after emergence when it is too late.

Know your flow
on every row
with OnSite FMS+.


Farmers who have used OnSite FMS don’t ever want to plant without it. See why so many customers come back over and over to add OnSite FMS to every new planter they own. 

The software is simple.
The benefits are clear.
The system just works. 

Download the 2024 OnSite FMS Catalog!

Get the latest information on the entire lineup of OnSite FMS Products.

OnSite FMS system bluetooths your flow rates on each row of your planter directly into your tractor's cab

Eliminate the guessing game

OnSite FMS is designed to be a simple, modern replacement for a traditional red ball setup. OnSite FMS utilizes digital flow meters on each individual row of your planter to not only read blockages, but to give you very accurate real-time application rates on every row.

You can track each row’s performance in real time and make adjustments before problems develop. 

OnSite is affordable, easy to set up, and easy to use. OnSite FMS is a simple stand-alone system with kits designed to fit almost any planter, old or new.

Know Your Flow On Every Row with OnSite FMS. 

fertilizer is expensive.

Monitoring it doesn't have to be.

OnSite FMS+ is a simple, affordable liquid monitoring system that gives you real time information on how each row on your planter is flowing.

The simplicity of the system not only makes it easy to use, but also helps us keep costs down. Most farmers find that the system pays for itself in a single season and keeps performing flawlessly year after year.

Get OnSite and Know Your Flow in Every Row. 

Fetilizer is expensive. Monitoring it doesn't have to be with onsite fms+

Fertilizer is expensive.

Monitoring it doesn't have to be.

OnSite FMS+ is a simple, affordable liquid monitoring system that gives you real time information on how each row on your planter is flowing.

The simplicity of the system not only makes it easy to use, but also helps us keep costs down. Most farmers find that the system pays for itself in a single season and keeps performing flawlessly year after year. 

Get OnSite and Know Your Flow in Every Row. 

Know your Flow on Every Row with OnSite FMS

easy installation. easy software.

Step 2
OnSite FMS standard 12 row FlowBoard

Install the FlowBoard on the planter

Our pre-assembled FlowBoards are a bolt-on replacement for your old red ball setup. You will use most of the same plumbing and mounting points.

If you are adding liquid from scratch, we can supply everything from the tanks to the drop tubes.

OnSite Flow Monitoring System Home Screen


Our system comes with everything you need, including a RAM Mount, charging cradle, power harness and the 7" touchscreen monitor.

Choose the Bluetooth option, and you won't need to run wires into the cab.

Step 3
Step 4
OnSite FMS -easy flow monitoring software on 7" monitor

set your application rate & Start planting!

Tell OnSite how many sections you are running and how many gallons per acre you want to apply for each product.

That's it! OnSite FMS will automatically sense your speed and show each row's exact application rate in real time.

Step 1
Dual Onsite FMS systems on a dual product planter

call to order the right kit for your planter

We currently only accept orders in store or over the phone.

OnSite FMS is universal, but planters are all set up differently. Our experienced staff needs to talk to you about your planter to make sure we send the right kit the first time.

Find an OnSite FMS Dealer near you! 

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